lundi 7 avril 2014

How to express one year in a one page Arial 12 Word document

Hi everyone! 

Recently, I had to write a short essay about my year in Malaysia and to send it to AFS, the organization with whom I got the chance to live this wonderful experience abroad. My text will be part of the Year Book that will be given to all the exchange students of my batch by the end of May, during our Farewell Dinner, which is critically coming too fast.

Faithful to my bad habit, I finished it at 23:14 yesterday, 46 minutes before midnight would ring the deadline. However, I think it would be a good idea to share it with you guys, since the work is already done anyway and it's not much a big effort to just copy it and paste on my blog. Furthermore, what a good way to increase my post-views that publishing a post written in English!

Just to advice you, the limit being fixed at only one page, I didn't have much place to really express myself deeply, so just go with it. Moreover, I am far away from an English writer, so please be indulgent if there's any mistake. Here we go, hope you'll enjoy!

'' Malaysia really served me well in my want to experiment big cultural chocks. Being thrown alone in this south-east Asian country had been hard at first, needing to deal with this constant warm weather, suffering from the much too spicy food, feeling powerless in front of the lack of environmental awareness, being stocked in a world where religions dominate, getting dizzy by the numerous languages we can hear while walking the street – all far away from my usual French, attending school so early in the morning and, of course, accepting the fact that rice would be set in every single meal. 
During the first two months, I was always feeling confused when people were asking me how I liked Malaysia so far. I was trying to answer politely, but inside myself, I couldn’t help but think about all the defects I was finding in Malaysia, while missing my loved home country. However, my opinion had evolved so much until now. I slowly learned to embrace this wonderful country and literally fell in love with it. Nowadays, I do not hesitate anymore when this question is asked to me, and I promptly answer that I love this country so much. 

It is crazy how much Malaysia has to offer. Throughout the year, I had been given the chance to live the Ramadan, to fulfill my belly while discovering Hari Raya celebrations, to perform prayers in a Chinese temple, to observe sacrifices during Hari Raya Haji, to celebrate Deepavali with an Indian family, to enjoy a Chinese wedding with VIP access, to walk in the unbelievable crowd of Batu Caves during Thaipusam, to experiment Chinese New Year, to cook sweat rice in a delayed Pongal festival and to discover orang asli lifestyle during my two weeks short-term exchange. All this without counting everything I learned in the everyday life, all the kenduris I have been with my host family, the activities and the good friends I have made in school and the chance I had to continue practicing my favorite sport here – badminton. I also have trips to Thailand and Singapore planned for April. All this and more in less than one year. Can’t you believe it? I’m in Malaysia, boleh lah! 

However, I have to send my best thanks to my wonderful host family who had make this memorable year being possible. I am so grateful for them to give me their trust and to let me liberty, treating me as an adult. I know that I am not often at home, but I also appreciate each time spent with them. Furthermore, they made me feel as part of the family and helped me to create a new home in Malaysia. I also feel lucky to have been placed in a Malay family and a 99% Malay school, which had allow me to become fluent in Bahasa Melayu. I don’t know if this language will be useful in my future life, but I am happy that I can now communicate in three different languages. 

Malaysian diversity had opened my mind to the world, and it’s only a beginning. '' 

That's all. One page is way too short to express one year in Malaysia! Anyway, I'll write something longer at the end of my experience... in French :-).

Until next time,


Low quality Paint picture montage about my life in Malaysia until now.

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